Michael Lynch
Michael F. Lynch is professor emeritus at Kent State University, where he taught courses in African American Literature and Japanese films. He taught as a Visiting Professor in Japan at Chiba University (1995-96) and Shimane University (2000-02). His most recent publication is “The Man Who Lived Underground” in Short Story Criticism on “The Man Who Lived Underground” by Richard Wright (Layman Poupard, 2018). Other publications include articles on James Baldwin and Richard Wright and Creative Revolt: a Study of Wright, Ellison, and Dostoevsky (Peter Lang, 1990). He organized two panels on War Memory at conferences of the Association for Asian Studies and has presented four conference papers on recent Japanese films’ depictions of the Asia Pacific War. He is working on an article on Paper City (2021), a film on the Tokyo firebombing. His research interests are Japanese films dealing with the war; the Tokyo firebombing; and literature and theology.