Since 2002, Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus has provided critical analysis of the forces shaping the Asia-Pacific and the world.
Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus is an Open-Access, peer-reviewed journal providing critical analysis of the forces shaping the Asia-Pacific and the world. Published monthly, APJJF explores the geopolitics, economics, history, society, culture, international relations and environment of the modern and contemporary Asia-Pacific region.
All articles published at the journal since its founding in 2002, including current issues, are available online at no charge to readers. Readers on six continents access articles 100,000 to 150,000 times each month. Additionally, more than 21,000 subscribers in 195 countries receive our free Newsletter published once a month with links to new articles and access to our entire backlog of thousands of articles. Many of the articles that we publish are republished on sites such as: History News Network, Foreign Policy in Focus, Asia Times, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, Truthout, Center for Research on Globalization, Yale Global Online, Worldpress, among others.
Asia-Pacific Journal is the recipient of a graduate fellowship provided by The Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies of Harvard University and an editorial grant provided by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (including financial support from the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and the Department of Applied Social Sciences). APJJF is also the recipient of The Ryukyu Shimpo’s first Ikemiyagi Shui Memorial Prize (琉球新報池宮城秀意記念賞). The award recognizes that “Japan Focus has made an outstanding worldwide contribution to proposing solutions to problems confronting Okinawa.”
Editorial Team
Founding Editor (2002-2023)
Mark Selden, Cornell University, New York City
Tristan R. Grunow, Nagoya University, [email protected]
Mary M. McCarthy, Drake University, [email protected]
Jenny Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Andrew DeWit, Rikkyō University, Tokyo
Joseph Essertier, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya
Kaori Hayashi, Tokyo University, Tokyo
David McNeill, Sacred Heart University, Tokyo
Satoko Oka Norimatsu, Peace Philosophy Centre, Vancouver, Canada
Matthew Penney, Concordia University, Montreal
Sven Saaler, Sophia University, Tokyo
Jae-jung Suh, International Christian University, Tokyo
David Slater, Sophia University, Tokyo
Tomomi Yamaguchi, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
Contributing Editors
Production Manager
Laney Bahan
Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies Editorial Fellow
Janet Louie
Ethical Publishing and Post-Publication Communication
Editorial Board and Management
The Board of Director constitutes the governing board of the journal. The Coeditors establish priorities for publication and standards for peer review of submissions. The editorial board, comprised of specialists in a broad range of subjects related to the Asia-Pacific, support and collaborate with the Coeditors in the production of scholarly content of the Journal.
Board of Directors
Laura Hein, President
David H. Slater, Secretary
Asato Ikeda, Treasurer
David McNeill
Tessa Morris-Suzuki
Matthew Penney
Lawrence Repeta
Authors, Author Responsibilities and Publication Ethics
Authors take responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of research and writing, adherence to ethical standards including approval by relevant local ethics committees, and absence of plagiarism. Individuals listed as authors or co-authors of all articles are limited to those with significant input in the research and writing. The same research may not be published in more than one journal with the exception of agreement to publish simultaneously in more than one journal. Asia-Pacific Journal is committed to working with authors to correct errors of fact and interpretation, both in the review process and after publication, and to prevent publication of papers in which research misconduct has occurred. Online publication facilitates correction of errors, clarification, retractions and apologies as necessary after publication. No fees are required for manuscript review and publication.
Publication Information
ISSN Number: 1557-4660
Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus is published monthly, that is, 12 issues per year.
Citation format
Since 2002, the Journal has gone through a number of different citation formats. In 2016 the Journal moved to unify the article database and assign correct metadata to all articles.
The earliest articles listed simply author, title and date of publication. The Journal began publishing the Newsletter in late 2008 as a means to organize our increasing output into volumes and issues. Lacking page numbers in online format, the system assigned consecutive numbers to each article per issue. Subsequent articles contain a recommended citation at the end of the article.
From mid-December 2008 through 2010, articles were labeled in the following format: x–y–z, where x is the week of the year as issue number, y the article number, and z the last two digits of the calendar year. Starting in 2011, consecutive volume numbers were adopted and have now been retroactively assigned volume and issue numbers. As the publication of the Newsletter has changed publishing frequency, the issue numbers now consecutively number the issues by month. Also, the PDF files of articles have been given page numbers, which may be used for more precise citation.
Copyright & Reprinting
Copyright of all published articles remains in the possession of the author. Our content is published under Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For details, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.
Permission is granted to forward electronically to others and to post Asia-Pacific Journal texts for non-commercial purposes following Creative Commons guidelines, provided they are reproduced intact and the source indicated and linked. To publish Asia-Pacific Journal texts in electronic, print or other forms, including course use, contact us at [email protected]. We request that requests be made to the editors at the same address to reprint articles from Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus and that reprints include the source of the original publication and a hot link or bibliographical citation of the original author, title, journal, and URL.
Scopus, Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Ebsco Host Political Science.