Sergey Radchenko
Sergey Radchenko is Lecturer in Asian-American relations at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo (China). Radchenko’s academic interests focus primarily on foreign relations of contemporary Asia, especially Northeast Asia. He is the author of Two Suns in the Heavens: the Sino-Soviet Struggle for Supremacy (Woodrow Wilson Center Press & Stanford University Press, 2009); and the co-author (with Campbell Craig) of The Atomic Bomb and the Origins of the Cold War (Yale UP, 2008). He is also the co-editor (with Artemy Kalinovsky) of The End of the Cold War in the Third World: New Perspectives on Regional Conflict (London: Routledge, 2011). He has just completed a manuscript titled Half a Leap Across an Abyss: How Russia Lost Asia, and the Cold War. [email protected]