Between 2012 and 2014 we posted a number of articles on contemporary affairs without giving them volume and issue numbers or dates. Often the date can be determined from internal evidence in the article, but sometimes not. We have decided retrospectively to list all of them as Volume 10, Issue 54 with a date of 2012 with the understanding that all were published between 2012 and 2014.
Satoko Norimatsu
On April 19, the Japanese government raised the allowable annual radiation exposure limit from 1 mSV (millisievert) to 20 mSV. The decision has been heavily criticized by experts inside and outside Japan, as it is applied to children who are more susceptible to radiation, and this limit does not take internal radiation dosage into consideration. 20 mSV is the yearly average of what is allowed for Japanese nuclear plant workers under normal circumstances. On this website, we have so far primarily written and provided information in English on this “20 mSV” issue and on the Fukushima nuclear crisis in general. In this post we attempt to compile a list of articles, video news, press releases available in English and other languages.
Press TV
Japanese govt. under fire for schoolyard radiation
Japan confirms meltdown at 3 reactors
New York Times
Angry Parents in Japan Confront Government Over Radiation Levels
Japan Tries to Ease Fury of Parents Near Plant
Japanese protest revised school radiation limit
The Guardian
Fukushima parents dish the dirt in protest over radiation levels
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (most comprehensive and in-depth
reports on the issue)
Protests: The 20 Millisievert Decision and the Future of Atomic Energy in Japan
20 Millisieverts for Children and Kosako Toshiso’s Resignation
Save the Children: Radiation Exposure of Fukushima Students
Spanish National TV “TV1”
Nuevos datos confirman la gravedad de la crisis nuclear de Fukushima
Der Spiegel
Japan legt hohe Strahlengrenzwerte für Kinder fest,1518,758410,00.html
Tillman Ruff’s Opinion Article in Kyodo News Agency
OPINION: Children of Fukushima need our protection
A bilingual version on Peace Philosophy Centre
IPPNW’s letter to Education Minister Takaki (bilingual) on Peace Philosophy Centre
IPPNW to Japanese Government: Raising Allowable Radiation Dose for Fukushima Children “Unacceptable.”
PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibility)
PSR Press Conference on Chernobyl Anniversary
(with Japanese translation)
Physicians for Social Responsibility Calls 20 mSV for Children “Unconscionable.”
The Japan Medical Association
Green Action (One of the four NGOs leading the movement to get the
government to rescind the 20 mSV decision.)
Fukushima Update
MSCR (Moms to Save Children from Radiation)
French petition campaign
Pétition urgente :
Refusons l’exposition des enfants japonais à des doses élevées de radioactivité
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