Koide Hiroaki
Koide Hiroaki, retired from the Kyoto University Reactor Research Institute (presently called the Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science Research), is arguably the most celebrated critic of nuclear power and the handling of the Fukushima disaster. He is the author of numerous books in Japanese, one of which has been translated into English, Rethinking Nuclear Energy: Autopsy of an Illusion (2014) and French, Penser le nucléaire: autopsie d’une illusion (2015). For a sustained, thoroughgoing interview in English, see “The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Is a Serious Crime” (2016). A succinct early interview is available in French: “Pour le nucléaire, il n’y a jamais de responsables. Trop d’intérêsts sont mêlés” (2011), also translated into English: “Nuclear Irresponsibility: Koide Hiroaki Interviewed by Le Monde.” A two-part, illustrated presentation at the University of Chicago is available here and here. The Trouble with Nuclear Power is an extensive presentation at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (2015).