Karl Jakob Krogness
Karl Jakob Krogness is an affiliated researcher at the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen. His PhD dissertation (University of Copenhagen) is the first thorough study of the modern koseki’s history and development, structure and function, and its social role within modern Japanese society. Subsequent research has examined the individual, the family, and the population along koseki lines. Future research interests include comparative studies of the household registration systems of the neighboring East Asian states. Other research interests are the civilian colonization policies regarding Manchukuo (e.g. the Giyūtai/Youth Corps), as well as the policies that shaped the return migration of China of the Japanese ‘War Orphans’ (Chūgoku zanryū hōjin) to Japan. This article draws on and adapts material from Karl Jakob Krogness and David Chapman, eds., Japan’s Household Registration System and Citizenship: Koseki, Identification and Documentation, London: Routledge, 2014. E-mail