Yagasaki Katsuma
Yagasaki Katsuma, born 1943, is a professor emeritus of the University of the Ryukyus. He has worked at the university since 1974, where his positions include head of its Faculty of Science. His specialization is condensed matter physics. Since 2003, he has testified on the topic of internal radiation exposure at the atomic-bomb survivors’ collective lawsuits. In May 2011, he acted as a witness to the Lower House Special Science and Technology Committee and the Upper House Budget Committee. In February 2012, he was awarded Kubo Medical Culture Award. His publications in Japanese include 『核の原理』琉球大学核の科学教材研究会(1984),『放射能兵器「劣化ウラン弾」』技術と人間 (2003) 、『隠された被曝』新日本出版社(2010)、『ひろがる内部被曝』本の泉社(2011)、『内部被曝』岩波ブックレット(2012)、『水俣の教訓を福島へ』花伝社(2011)、『裁かれた内部被曝』花伝社(2012)、『福島への帰還を進める日本政府の4つの誤り』旬報社(2014)。His English-language publications include “What is happening to the children of Iraq- Depleted Uranium Munitions and Internal Exposure to Radiation,” Japanese Medical and Dental Practitioners for the Improvement of Medical Care, 204, and “An Argument against the ICRP System from a Scientific Point of View,” Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 2015.