Rusti Eisenberg and Jim O’Brien of Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD) compiled the following digest of articles responding to the US debacle in Afghanistan with the reflections of historians and journalists critical of the twenty year US war for the H-PAD Blog. We share the list for your reference. Please visit the H-PAD website for more.
Gordon Adams, Afghanistan only the latest US war to be driven by deceit and delusion, The Conversation, posted August 17
Tariq Ali, Debacle in Afghanistan, New Left Review (Sidecar), posted 16 August 2021.
Andrew Bacevich, Through its Misuse of Military Power the United States has Made a Terrible Mess in Afghanistan, Responsible Statecraft, posted August 16
Patrick Cockburn, The US and UK got things so wrong in Afghanistan because they do not understand the Afghan way of war, Yahoo News, posted August 17
Juan Cole, Biden Doctrine and Afghanistan:Lean Counter-Terrorism and the End of Bloated Nation-Building, Informed Comment blog, posted August 17
Juan Cole, Déjà vu All Over Again: The Last Time Mazar-i-Sharif Fell to the TalibanThere Were Massacres, Informed Comment blog, posted August 15
Anatol Lieven, The Generals Lied and the Fantasies Died, Responsible Statecraft, posted August 16
Anatol Lieven, Why Afghan Forces So Quickly Laid Down Their Arms, Politico, posted August 16
Samuel Moyn, Biden Pulled Troops Out of Afghanistan. He didn’t End the Forever War, Responsible Statecraft, posted August 17
Paul Pillar, Taliban and Al Qaeda: If there is no war, there won’t be an alliance, Responsible Statecraft, posted August 19
Vijay Prashad, The Return of the Taliban 20 Years Later,, posted August 19
David Rothkopf, America’s Catastrophic Afghanistan Exit Has Many Fathers, The Daily Beast, posted August 13
Nick Turse, The Fall of Kabul, Reader Supported News, posted August 16
Katrina vanden Heuvel, Rather than Focus on How the US Got out of Afghanistan, Focus on How It Got In, Washington Post, posted August 17
Robert Wright, How the Afghanistan War Really Started: And how seeing its origins in Cold War geopolitics can help us avoid future disasters, Nonzero Newsletter, posted August 16
Very Helpful Primary Sources, See especially:
Special Inspector General Report, What We Need to Learn: Lessons from Twenty Years of Afghanistan Reconstruction
National Security Archive, Afghanistan 20/20: the 20-Year War in 20 Documents, posted August 19
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